We Seek To Empower Women


Below, you'll find stories from some of the women our give-back initiative has helped.

"My daughter was taken from my arms at a pediatrician's appointment by four supposed CPS workers. They took me to jail for interfering with child custody, and it was there that I found out there were allegations of drug abuse. Immediately after being released from jail, I began trying to get into a rehab program to highlight to CPS that I would do whatever it took to get my baby back.

The tattoos I put on my face have become flags of past rebellion that I no longer wish to fly publicly anymore. I'm fighting CPS in court for my baby girl back and the tattoos, unfortunately, draw an image of me that is not accurate as a mother. They are symbols of huge mistakes in my life that I am working hard to overcome with the help of Flora Kim Dermatology.

I am now in school at Texas Career Institute (TCI) for phlebotomy and, although I am doing well in my class, my professor has informed me that my face will make it difficult, if not impossible, to be hired in the medical field. I didn't have the financial ability to get the tattoos on my face removed, but getting help to remove them has helped my confidence grow. It has also allowed me to get my daughter back and obtain a job, so that I can properly represent myself and show who I truly am. I am becoming a much better version of myself, both for me and my daughter."